TL;DR: I got banned, but my questions are already answered. I deleted questions I considered non-constructive (either because they were brain farts or because I couldn't reproduce the problem any more). To be unbanned, it is suggested to review one's questions, but there is not much I can do about mine. What can I do to get back on track?
I've restarted using this profile about six months ago. My idea was to build a strong Stack Overflow profile and actually getting involved in the open source / open knowledge community so my main objective was to have a answered/asked ratio > 1
and a questions asked/questions with an answer ratio > 1
, which involved answering others and answering my own questions if I found an answer. Since some questions are very specific, I "shared the knowledge", but this doesn't bring lots of votes.
I used to delete terrible answers and questions (this question should be deleted, IMO, but it would influence my banned score for the worst still), referring to @HansPassant's sarcastic answer, which I interpreted as "do you actually need someone to tell you?". Plus, I made sure the questions were actually dead.
I've read all I could in the past two hours regarding unbanning, but there is not much, as far as I see, I can NOT review about the questions I have posted. What is the right approach in this case?