Looks that all questions from this user are the same kind; get the query parameters from a video URL.
So despiste the fact that this is probably not a good one, the question itself it's probably not spam (by the way at first look it seems also spam to me).
Anywise the user can do some things to avoid the possible confusion of it question with spam:
- Use a humorous-stupid-whatever URL: Since the problem is how to parse the URL to get for example the query id, don't not use a real DNS use something like http://chucknorris.org/some?id=XXXXX. Or less suspicious
- If you URL is not intended to be clicked; then format as code:
. This not avoid that some user copy&paste the URL in the browser but at least it keep less obvious.
As @Yakk comments, of course this does not guarantees that someone can shadow a malware link on some licit question... but this not only applies for help question about URL manipulation, in fact you can put any malware link to a supposed jsfiddle for example.
. Fits perfectly there!javascript:void(window.open('http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:'+location.href.replace(/https?:\/\//,'')))