Oded's answer gives the details of how the built-in system handles spam; I'm here to give a little bit more detail about SmokeDetector, the community-built spam-detection bot, in the hopes that there might be some ideas in it you can make use of.
Stack Exchange has a page that shows all questions as they update in real time. Behind the scenes, that's powered by a websocket that feeds all question updates. SmokeDetector hooks into this websocket to get the same feed of updating questions.
Every time a post is received from this websocket, SmokeDetector fetches the content of that post from the Stack Exchange API, then runs the post (including its title and its author's username) through a series of checks to detect whether or not it's likely to be spam.
Those checks are a mixture of regexes and simple methods, and are based on characteristics of spam we've seen previously. Every suspected spam post is sent to our web dashboard, metasmoke, so that we have a permanent record of it that we can use in the future to check up on the system's accuracy and to improve the existing checks.
We've also experimented with machine learning and natural language processing techniques to try to detect spam, but so far neither of those methods has come up with results as accurate as a team of humans building regexes.
Currently, the Charcoal team (the people behind SmokeDetector) are working with Stack Exchange to explore options for integrating the bot with the Stack Exchange system itself to improve spam detection and prevention. That's come about as a necessity of the fact that the systems are separate - if you could build something like SmokeDetector into your Q&A site, I get the feeling it would be a much better solution from the off.
Stack Overflow
and was mentioned it's off-topic and should be listed inmeta.stackoverflow
.Email Id
, the persons or the users verifies their email ids and after that they postpromotional content
. If I are to stop these persons from registering in that case a major question might arise which isbased on what parameters
we differentiate a user to be areal user
and aspammer
of the blocked users. So that if someone else from the same domain tries to register we won't even allow them, It's exactly what you have stated above. As these domain seems to be a company or something working on seo ranking, I guess