The Developer Story isn't just a place for people sifting through resumes. It is a place for developers to show off our accomplishments and to share what we're working on alongside with what we do online.
Without violating any sense of "interfering with the Q&A", it seems like we can better raise awareness of our developer stories by highlighting it as part of the flair itself.
If you have a Developer Story, let us illustrate our hard work in our flair. If you prefer not to, you can opt out, but the crux of this request is to provide an unobtrusive way to say, "read my stuff; there's more to this user than meets the eye."
This is in line with "show, don't just tell."
Don't worry about my design work or placement; this is merely illustrative. The designers at Stack Exchange can make this beautiful.
If someone doesn't want their Story highlighted on Stack Overflow, users can simply opt out; but if the Developer Story goes the way I hope, this can become a great place to keep your virtual portfolio of stuff you are passionate about… even if you're not currently looking for a job.