Some time ago, I flagged a few comments that I clearly considered obsolete. Surprisingly to me, four of them in a row were declined. The first flag was on this comment:
This is not a duplicate. He's asking very specifically what is wrong with these questions, which is a perfectly reasonable Meta question. These aren't a lot of fun to answer, perhaps, but it's not a duplicate of "what are my options".
The user who voted-to-close as duplicate retracted their vote after this comment was made. Therefore, I considered it obsolete according to the help center:
obsolete — a comment that is no longer relevant because it has been addressed by an edit to the post, clarified by additional comments, or contains no context because it references deleted content
The other three flags were on a clarification discussion:
no on chrome windows 10
Chrome version?
Version 52.0.2743.116 m
I flagged them after editing the comments into the question (see the last sentence):
I'm running Chrome version 52.0.2743.116 m on Windows 10.
Again, I considered the comments as obsolete according to the help center:
obsolete — a comment that is no longer relevant because it has been addressed by an edit to the post, clarified by additional comments, or contains no context because it references deleted content
After the latter three flags were declined, I was so desperate that I raised a moderator flag (although it's clear to me that flags are not suitable for two-way discussions):
However, this flag hasn't been addressed since three and a half weeks now.
Where is my misunderstanding on the definition of obsolete comments?