That's because post scores are cached, and for whatever reason the cache isn't flushed immediately after a voting correction, giving the false impression that the votes weren't really reverted even though the reputation changes were. Many serial downvoters do what they do with the intention of making a dent in someone's reputation, but what hurts more IMO is the effect on the post scores, since scores affect sorting in Q&A by default. Considering the system actually makes it a point to recalculate your reputation after a voting correction (which is why the rep change is effective immediately), I don't see why it doesn't do the same with post scores.
If you had enough reputation, you would be able to click your post scores and show the vote counts, which would force a reload of the counts. But you don't, so I've gone ahead and refreshed the score of each of your affected posts for you. This would not be the first time — I've done the same for other users affected by serial votes (up or down), and I've certainly done the same for my own posts.
(I've also warned the user who downvoted your posts, in case you're worried about that.)