There is no real benefit in avoiding popular language tags. You aren't helping people to find your question, you're just making it more difficult.
As long as you also tag with the specific tags, such as qt or node.js, experts in those subjects will filter their searches based on those tags, causing your questions to appear immediately. There is no noise of general c++ or javascript questions unless you want to see all of that noise.
I don't really buy the argument about only attracting people who know your problem. This seems to assume, as Bill the Lizard pointed out, that it is the tags themselves that are the cause of low-quality content. This is not true. Rather, there is a lot of low-quality content on Stack Overflow, and since these popular tags are…well, popular, they are home to a lot of this content.
The only reason why this would be a problem is if you were trying to read all questions tagged c++ or javascript. To my knowledge, no one is able to do this, any more than they can drink from a firehose. Most people just filter on more narrow tags like you describe. Or they sample a smattering of random questions from the "big tags" each time they visit the site.
Consider the case where I know about Qt, and want to answer questions about it, but I'm most comfortable with the C++ language. Qt has Python bindings, but I don't know anything about Python, so I don't want to worry about those questions. Therefore, I filter all the questions about both qt and c++ based on their tags. If your question doesn't have the latter tag, I won't find it. Oops!
Should a low rep user suggest such edit, I'd reject it as "doesn't substantially improve the post".
Well, yeah. That's reasonable. It is not a substantial improvement. But if it were part of an edit that did substantially improve the post, then you should approve it.