Can a comment be considered spam? If so, what makes a comments spam?
I'm not serious, but technically speaking, shouldn't comments such as "Google it first" be seen as comment spam? :)
Differentiate between "spam" and "noise". Spam exists to promote a product or otherwise garner clicks to a site that you're probably not intending to go to; noise distracts from the actual problem at hand.
If you see a comment that reads something like, "Just Google it", you can safely flag it as "not constructive" (and in some cases, "rude or offensive" since the perceived tone is dismissive to the OP).
If you see a comment that reads "Google it first", I'd still encourage you to flag it as "not constructive", since it doesn't do anything except make the OP feel twice as bad; bad for asking the question and bad because they have now been shamed into defending why they asked the question.
Since comments are temporal, it's important to keep in mind that their purpose is to help us ask questions of the OP to ensure that we're not missing some piece of information and that they've given us all we know so that their question can be answered. Off-the-cuff remarks to tell them to "go do their research" aren't the preferred way to communicate this sort of thing if you want to; downvotes are better.
Yes, it's spam, even if the user who wrote it didn't realize. The proper way to say that sentence without spamming would be to avoid specific search engines and say e.g. "search" or "use a search engine". It might still be not constructive, though.
That company already spends too much money to advertise its products everywhere. I don't want to see even more propaganda in comments.
And of course, there is a variety of search engines which can work better than Google depending on the situation. Telling someone to search using a particular search engine makes no sense.
shouldn't comments such as "Google it first" be seen as comment spam? :)
um... no? Especially not when the OP should, you know, have Googled first instead of posting a question? I've heard it rumoured that occasionally happens on Stack Overflow. Not sure whether I should believe it though