For the record, my exact decline reason to your flag was this:
Moderators typically do not intervene when it comes to legal issues. If you believe this is a serious problem, contact SE directly.
Stack Overflow moderators are (generally) not lawyers, nor are we all located within the same country. Asking us to be the judge of the legality of something used within a technical question places us in a very tricky position.
As moderators tell people in response to DMCA takedown requests, if you have a serious legal issue with a particular post, your best bet is to contact Stack Exchange directly via the "contact us" form. The company has the legal help to review this, moderators do not.
Sure, from time to time we'll delete absolutely trash questions that are of questionable legality, but that's because of the question quality, not legal issues. As has been stated by Makoto, there are a large number of questions about software jailbreaks, reverse engineering, exploits and how to protect against them, and so on, all of which may or may not be legal in various jurisdictions. All we can judge is the technical merit of these questions, not their legality.
Again, if you have a real problem with this, contact Stack Exchange directly via the proper channels.
I'm developing a virus
it should stay on Stack Overflow?