Being denied a privilege is not an excuse to violate the rules of the site to do what you want. The question part is for the question, The answer section is for answers and the comments are for asking for clarification on either the question or answer.
If you see a question that is not a question then it needs to go. Down vote it, flag/vote to close for the appropriate reason and possibly delete vote it(a lot of times this is unneeded as the roomba will get it).
If you see a answer that is not an answer then it needs to go. flag it is NAA/VLQ depending on the actual "answer". Down vote it if it is not helpful to signal it is unhelpful and also allowing trusted users the ability to delete it.
One helpful thing to do would be to leave a comment on why the post is bad so that the user learns. We want more users putting up more high quality content and the sooner they realize what the rules are and how the site works not only will they have a better experience but the site improves as well. It doesn't take a whole lot to get 50 rep to be able to comment. 5 up votes on answers, 10 on questions or 25 approved edits will get you there. The new users need to learn that we do have standards.