I propose that the user flagging a post as VLQ or NAA, should (if they have the required reputation points to cast a delete vote in the queue, 2000) add one vote towards the "Recommended Deletion" total needed to remove a question/answer.
Please note: This is similar to, but not a delete vote cast by a user with > 10k reputation points.
If they're recommending it, I don't see why this shouldn't be the case. Multiple users flagging the post, would get the question removed faster, and even if only a single user reports it, it would cause one less vote to be needed in order to remove a post.
I also feel this way, because if a user is flagging a post that is already in the queue, their flag is partially wasted (it's already in the queue, so nothing actually happens other than helpful/disputed depending on which way the queue decides). What I'm proposing would give that flag additional merit, because if they came across this post in the VLQ post queue, they would vote the same way.
More clarification:
- Users with 15-1999 reputation points: No change
- Users with 2000-19999 reputation points: Upon flagging a post VLQ or NAA, if it would enter the VLQ review queue, instead it enters the review queue with one more "Recommended Deletion" vote already cast. (I say "one more" because a post flagged as VLQ will wait 15 minutes before entering the VLQ queue to give the user a chance to edit that post. If multiple users flag as VLQ, it should enter the queue with that many votes.) If it's already in the VLQ review queue, instead of having no effect, it would cast one "Recommended Deletion" vote on the post in question.
- Users with 20k reputation points: Still a little bit fuzzy, as I haven't reached this level yet, but I think it should work exactly like #2. Flagging a post as VLQ or NAA should not consume a delete vote, as it will be reviewed by others and acted on as such.