Is the required reputation for privileges subject to change over time, maybe looking at statistics on the data of the user base?
Yes, possibly. I'm not sure whether privileges have ever been subject to retroactive changes but other parts of the system sure have, like the amount of reputation awarded to upvotes on questions.
Who decides and manages these levels?
Some of the many women, men, and... cacti? that make up The Man around here.
Could it be managed by very high-reputation users?
Not currently, no. It's probably not going to happen, either: historically, these kinds of decisions are not left to the user base.
Did it already happen to change in the past?
I don't know of an instance where it did, although it might have happened.
If it changes, what happens to the users who already have privileges, are they updated?
Judging from current behaviour (when you lose rep and fall below a privilege level, you lose it again) I would speculate that the code's natural inclination at the moment would be that privileges would be re-calculated across the board.
Whether that'll be what happens if and when such a change ever happens, will depend on how important they deem that one or the other be the case, I suppose.