I recently learned that Stack Snippets are disabled automatically when a post's score drops below -2.

This can cause confusion when the Snippet mysteriously fails to work for no apparent reason.

Instead of removing the Run code snippet button altogether, it should be replaced by a notice that it has been disabled, possibly containing a link to a Meta post that explains why.

  • 21
    An alternative option is to gray out the button and provide a tooltip explaining the reason for it.
    – jpmc26
    Aug 9, 2016 at 20:37
  • @jpmc26: Currently, there is no button at all. Follow the link and check out the screenshot in the question. Aug 9, 2016 at 20:40
  • 8
    You should post this as answer @jpmc26, so we can vote on it. Aug 10, 2016 at 5:03

1 Answer 1


jpmc26 on Aug 9 '16 at 20:37 wrote in a comment:

An alternative option is to gray out the button and provide a tooltip explaining the reason for it.

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