Can you see if someone writes at this moment a comment or answer?
When I write a comment I will able see if another user is writing as well.
It will help me.
Can you see if someone writes at this moment a comment or answer?
When I write a comment I will able see if another user is writing as well.
It will help me.
You say it would help you, but you don't explain how.
Realtime notifying N users about actions of M users would take extra computational and network resources and give almost nothing. I doubt that it would ever be implemented without some good reason.
If you have something to say worth a comment, then post it.
If you know the answer, post an answer. As for other users - there are plenty of them. Just assume that someone will post an answer sometime if you don't.
If you want to be notified about answers to your question, just setup the email notifications. Mobile application is also a great way to get notified.
If you want to track answers to a question of another user, there's a subscription link under each question.