At the moment, almost all Docs reputation comes from Example upvotes. That's not terribly surprising since:
- we haven't nerfed example upvote quite yet,
- early in the beta, many people decide to press the upvote button to see what it did,
- reputation from citations is somewhat restricted,
- most of the great Examples and Topics are yet to be written (knock on wood), and
- people haven't really gotten into the habit of citing Stack Overflow Documentation.
In the long run, however, I hope citation reputation actually catches up and even passes upvote reputation. One of the problems we are seeing is that it's hard to evaluate the usefulness of Documentation in the abstract. Remember how Jeff threatened a kitten because people weren't voting on questions?
Personally, I'm not convinced this problem is necessarily solvable, because it might represent the natural "market value" of questions and answers. Users intuit that answers are the real unit of work in any Q&A system and tend to favor answers in their voting. After all, the world is awash in endless questions, but answers—great answers—are a precious and rare commodity indeed.
Until it helps a real developer understand or get started with a topic, Documentation hasn't earned its salt. One of the fundamental problems I have when programming is finding the right bit of documentation quickly and without distraction. The other day, I forgot to how to zip a directory and looked it up in the manpage. In order to find a useful example, you gotta read past this line1:
zip [-aABcdDeEfFghjklLmoqrRSTuvVwXyz!@$] [--longoption ...] [-b path] [-n suffixes] [-t date] [-tt date] [zipfile [file ...]] [-xi list]
So when an answer that cites Documentation gets an upvote, it verifies that the Topic or Example was useful and encourages people to link to Documentation they contributed to. We think this will produce a virtuous circle where people improve answers by linking to relevant Documentation and improve Documentation in order use it in answers.
In the comments, I see some concern that we aren't encouraging linking to official documentation. People should link to official documentation whenever it makes an answer better. But (as with the zip command) sometimes you need something more exampley. Since you generally can't edit official documentation directly, there's no way to break into the virtuious cycle I described. So while I wouldn't be opposed2 to awarding reputation for citing all sorts of documentation, I don't think it would be nearly as useful as linking to Stack Overflow Documentation.
It would be quicker to list the ASCII characters that are not options. Manpages do a relatively good job at documenting things, but they can be really dense at times.
In principle. In practice, I don't see how that would work given a seemingly endless supply of technologies.