I'm talking specifically about a user that most of their contributions are editing with copied content.
- https://stackoverflow.com/documentation/.net/3810/threading#t=201607292210095758487
- https://stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/46854?draftId=39876
- https://stackoverflow.com/documentation/vb.net/4025/attributes#t=201607292207091835203
- https://stackoverflow.com/documentation/c%23/4269/iterators#t=201607292151495540694
- https://stackoverflow.com/documentation/.net/4540/assemblies#t=20160729221640629005
- https://stackoverflow.com/documentation/node.js/drafts/39878
- https://stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/58688 (source)
- https://stackoverflow.com/documentation/.net/4540/assemblies/16381/ensure-assemblies-loaded#t=201607301407055553349 (Updated on 14:10 UTC)
- https://stackoverflow.com/documentation/mongodb-csharp/2610/introduction-to-mongodb-csharp#t=201607301429522588481
So, some proposal were rejected, some reported - But this one just keeps on going! When enough should be enough? Should we let it continue? What is the added value when all you can do is to copy other people's work?
I think that although this question was asked before, it wasn't related to a specific user. I wanted to ask this because the original question @Undo answered "In need of moderator intervention" flags on Documentation don't seem to be real flags yet; they show up as improvement requests and don't enter the moderator queue.
This not not good enough because this specific user is continuing adding more and more examples like this, and I can't follow his every step AND I also can't flag it for moderator intervention because this feature doesn't work at the moment.