I've just made a suggested edit to a question to address some of the formatting and clarity issues that there appeared to be in this question.
I checked back to see if the edit had been approved/rejected but instead the status appears to be 'This item is no longer reviewable'. I had a search on Meta and found two similar questions but both of these seemed to occur when it was an audit or if the item was no longer eligible to be in that queue.
I've checked and the question has not been deleted but has been edited by the author. I've seen before that you can have an edit which 'clashes' with another but that always seems to appear in the review status informing me what has happened. There seems to be no record of this edit anywhere within the edit history.
Is this normal behaviour? Am I missing something here?
Update: Interestingly, if I view all of the suggested edits I've made it does class this specific one as 'rejected edit' but when viewing that revision, it doesn't show up as rejected.