I can't speak for the reasons why experts don't contribute. But I can explain why my contributing to Docs.SO has decreased substantially since the start of private beta.
The #1 reason is that I don't feel like playing the part of Sisyphus, constantly fighting an uphill battle. That's what doing stuff in the C++ tag feels like. There's a constant deluge of poorly-conceived changes, topic proposals, and so forth to wade through. It's unending, and I don't want to deal with it.
A second reason is the difficulty of actually doing anything of note. Consider the C++ String documentation page. This page contains examples on everything to do with strings, from basic std::string
manipulation to case conversion to find/replace, etc. The page has 17 examples on it.
Now, let's say that I wanted to split it apart into 3-4 separate topics. How would I do that?
If this were MediaWiki, it'd be trivial. I'd just create a few text files, copy the text from the topic, split each example out into the various topic-based files, and then submit them as new pages, submitting the now culled "String" page as a change to the current one.
With Docs.SO, the process is painful. Each example is its own text block, so you can't just copy-and-paste easily. Yes, there's a UI feature to break an example out into a topic. But to break multiple examples out into a topic, or multiple examples out into multiple topics? It all requires a huge amount of browser work, rather than just copy&paste in your text editor of choice.
And then, once you've made and submitted the changes, each change has to be approved. Separately. Even though logically, all of the topic edits are a single edit, each edit must be considered separately. So someone reviewing changes to the main Strings topic will just see a bunch of removed examples; they could easily reject it, not realizing (or reading the commit reason) that the data still exists in different topics. Someone might think that the new topics are duplicates of the existing Strings stuff, since that change has yet to be approved.
The system is optimized for dumping code wherever you want, not for putting existing dumps in the right place. So even if I felt like playing Sisyphus, Docs.SO makes his task even harder than it strictly needs to be.
So I think it's unreasonable to expect experts to bother. The large amounts of crap, combined with the difficulty of actually doing the cleanup, will keep them away.
is has moved to the end of the list.