This hase been implemented, but it does not appear to be available for Suggested Topics, like the one you linked to.
I just attempted this myself on the "Regular Expression" topic in the C# tag. This topic should actually be in the .NET Framework tag - here are the steps I took to move it:
I started by creating a draft of the topic I wanted to move it to in the .NET Framework tag.
I then went to the the C# topic and selected "Move Examples" to the left of the Topic title.
I selected all the existing examples, and once I did that an additional check box appeared to confirm moving all the examples would delete the (C#) topic.
I selected "Select from your Drafts" and picked the draft I had started in step 1. Apparently, Documentation currently only supports moving 6 examples (at one time?) Documentation has put a 6 examples limit per topic in place since the C# topic was created, so I clicked "Edit Draft" of the "New Draft".
I edited the "New Draft" as needed and clicked "Submit for Review"
Some things I learned:
- I initially started at step 2 and tried to select "Create a new Draft" in step 3, but I couldn't see where to specify that I wanted to move it to another tag, so I started over and used the method I outlined here.
- The change notes in my Proposed Change is "Delete topic,". I didn't think to add a change note in the "New Draft", so I think that is where it came from (a default value).
- In retrospect, perhaps I should have only copied six of the examples over, waited for that to get approved, then transferred the last example. I kinda thought about that, but I ended up picking (what I considered to be) a low quality example that was more about using the
string operator.