I can see duplication in C# Language and .NET Framework.
An easy one to spot is the LINQ topic.
How do we handle duplication like that? (this can apply to many other documentation / topics)
I can see duplication in C# Language and .NET Framework.
An easy one to spot is the LINQ topic.
How do we handle duplication like that? (this can apply to many other documentation / topics)
Instead of marking as duplicate as per the answer by @dorukayhan, maybe we could take the same concept as we have for tag synonyms. That way the topics are accessible from both parent tags and can be shared without duplication.
Well, why not add a way to mark them as duplicates of other resources, just as we do on the actual Q&A site?
We can start this by letting users with gold tag badges use their dupehammers on Documentation1.
1 - This would give top users (especially Jon Skeet) the power to mark every topic in pretty much all popular tags as dupes of other topics. But since they're already supposed to know what they're doing, it's not a thing to worry about.
new List<int>() {1,2,3,4}.Where(x => x>2)
and (New List<Integer>() From {1,2,3,4}).Where(Function(x) x>2)
are exactly the same example of the API, even though they are in different languages.
Jul 31, 2016 at 2:58