I look through the Firebase tags (e.g., firebase) a lot and most of the questions are well formed and most get at least one upvote. However, this question has 5 upvotes (2 down), and I believe it to be very low quality.
- There is no MCVE
- The English is poor (I understand not all OP's first language is English)
- Question is vague
I personally have 11 questions, which I believe to be much higher quality, and only 2 of them have 4 upvotes. I am not crying for upvotes, just a comparison.
How would a question like this get as many upvotes?
- Multiple accounts?
- Coincidence of misinformed users upvoting?
- Firebase users blindly upvoting other Firebase questions that could be useful?
The question is only one hour old.
I have down-voted and flagged as unclear.