In the First Posts queue I encountered this question:


It's terrible, of course. But when I see one of these questions, I try to be exceedingly polite in the hopes that the question's inevitable destruction will at least teach them something. So I posted this comment:

Please edit your post to show what you've tried and what doesn't work. Don't use images for code, please.

Someone came and commented:

Ares, don't use the word please. It's no support center. It's OP responsibility to provide proper information else just leave it.

I realize the trap that's easy to fall into here. To quote "When is it acceptable to downvote a question?":

Please stop being a care bear, and proceed to be harsher at once.

That's about downvoting and as such is peripherally related to the problem at hand. The point I'm making is that culture seems to be bleeding into other areas of the site. You can see the contention of that point in the comments of his answer.

Is there anything wrong in being nice to users who fail to grasp the tenets of Stack Overflow? I see a lot of people commenting on fresh questions with aggression, hostility, etc.

Think of it this way: there will always be new, terrible questions. For every person we're nice to (while still removing/downvoting the question) we potentially create another legitimate user on the site. That's another user that can contribute time to helping someone else learn the site, if nothing else. But if we're abrasive, hostile or just generally rude to the new guys, we virtually guarantee that that person will neither learn a lesson nor pass it on to anyone else.

So this is isn't about being nice for them; it's about being nice for us.

Look, I get it. The bad questions sap the life out of all of us, and the site. But shouldn't we be doing what gets the best outcome (better users) rather than what gets us instant gratification?

Am I wrong to think this way?

  • 13
    Unfortunately, I'm doubtful it will make a difference one way or the other. Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 18:48
  • 246
    I write "please" in that context all the time. Read your comment out loud with and without "please." It turns a polite request into a rude demand, in my opinion. Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 18:52
  • 152
    You've chosen to give the OP some useful advice they can use to improve their post if they choose to do so. That's useful. A criticism of the level of politeness in your comment is not useful. Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 18:54
  • 20
    You gotta wonder why the phrase used in that quote wasn't "Stop being a care bear..." if it was meant to get rid of "Please"... Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 19:39
  • 42
    Don't be unnecessarily rude.
    – Jongware
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 20:29
  • 147
    Please don't be unnecessarily rude.
    – Jongware
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 20:29
  • 11
    I can't believe that question you linked to has such a positively-received response. Simply ignoring someone is not going to teach them anything - it's going to make them hate the site and spread the (almost TRUE) perception that Stack Overflow is incredibly rude. Make it a quick one, but give them a general pointer as to what they did wrong at least. Otherwise, you shouldn't be surprised when the problem just gets larger and larger as no one learns.
    – Katana314
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 20:56
  • 42
    @Katana314 Clearly you haven't spent much time helping people improve their problematic questions. People get much more upset when you politely explain what is wrong with their question and how to improve it than if you ignore it. Also your assertion that the community is being rude for not fixing people's questions for them is simply not merited. It's impossible for us to fix every bad question that's submitted here, and we're under no obligation to fix every unsalvageable question that someone posts. If you want to have an expectation of such service, you need to pay for it.
    – Servy
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 21:18
  • 17
    writing-style nitpick: The way you use the word "please" at both the beginning and end of your comment seems a bit awkward." Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 21:37
  • 14
    Please be mean to bad questions. Don't try to address a user, it is never appreciated anyway, giving advice is always best left to the Help center. A link is plenty good enough. Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 23:22
  • 23
    It's slightly damming that someone feels they need to even ask this....
    – Liam
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 10:31
  • 25
    People get much more upset when you politely explain what is wrong with their question and how to improve it than if you ignore it. I can't confirm that from my experience - I've very rarely encountered upset when giving out advice. More often than not, however, polite advice is just ignored, making it feel like a wasted effort.
    – Pekka
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 11:27
  • 21
    Maybe I'm some sort of mental defective, but as long as the other person has asked an actual question, and I think I have a helpful answer, I try to help.There's no reason to be a dick to anybody as long as they're not being intentionally.mean or trolling. Everybody was new once, and nobody knows everything. Everybody needs help sometimes, even if they don't know the special SO Police Mandated Question Asking Format. "Please" has nothing to do with it. If you can't be helpful, just ignore it and move on. Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 13:22
  • 9
    @Katana314 What he's actually saying is that you are being a dick by doing anything but answering a question, no matter how bad. And that's just wrong. He's asserting that people shouldn't be helping question authors improve their questions, rather they should just be trying to answer them. It's equating point out serious problems with a question's answerability with being a dick, in addition to just asserting that having quality standards in the first place is bad, which is a completely false, and unhelpful, premise.
    – Servy
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 13:52
  • 13
    The first comment I ever got on Stack Overflow was so nasty, over something pretty minor, that I've been reluctant to ask questions, make comments, or even upvote/downvote again. While this is an anecdote, the cliche "you never get a second chance to make a first impression" works both ways. Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 17:05

16 Answers 16


Yes, you should be nice to your fellow users. Being rude to someone isn't going to solve any problems all by itself. It is the content that really matters.

Users shouldn't be telling anyone not to use the word "please" in comments, that is rather untoward.

That said, I think you already knew we should be nice to other users (new or otherwise) and simply took issue with this one comment directed at you. I agree that it wasn't really constructive, and so would a mod I assume. So next time you find an off cuff comment like that directed at you, just flag it as "not constructive" and move on.

  • 80
    I'm asking this because the culture of Stack Overflow frequently comes across to me as "Know all the rules of our site, we'll downvote/close if you don't." It reminds me of the way signs are in Boston: "Know where you're going, and if you don't, go f*** yourself." That contradicts the being nice policy.
    – Athena
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 18:53
  • 20
    @Ares - Policy is only as good as its enforcement. While the outlook is to be nice, in practice getting everyone to actually follow those guidelines can be difficult. I think sometimes people focus too much on the personal aspect of the site rather than the goal of the site which is content. The balance between cultivating high quality content and not hurting people's feelings while trimming content is hard to strike and I think the back and forth there plays out often and sometimes unfortunately gets rather messy.
    – Travis J
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 18:55
  • 13
    I don't believe this is a problem that you can policy your way out of. But I can't help but notice some of the language you used seems to indicate that content and the personal aspect are mutually exclusive, like we can't have both. We can be nice to users AND delete/downvote/close their question. That's my point. The question is of low quality and is unanswerable. I guess my experience working IT changes my outlook. If I responded like many users do here to ANY of the unbelievably silly questions people ask me, I'd be out of a job in a heartbeat.
    – Athena
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 18:59
  • 12
    When I was talking about the balance between creating content and trimming content, my point was that deleting, downvoting, and closing questions gets taken personally by some users so even without commenting they feel slighted. Even though all of that action was content based, to the user it sometimes feels personal.
    – Travis J
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 19:03
  • 4
    Well, while it obviously isn't anything personal (why would I hold animosity towards someone I have never and will never meet?) if you're new to the site, how would you process it? I think it takes more than just downvoting and closing. Those are just the business operations of the site, as you've mentioned. I've seen a hugely positive response from users when I leave comments that amount to "This question will probably end up being closed, but FWiW, here's a few thoughts for next time..."
    – Athena
    Commented Jul 19, 2016 at 19:06
  • 4
    'just flag it as "not constructive" and move on' ... please..
    – user4639281
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 4:46
  • 6
    I disagree that our universally caustic reception of new users is unhelpful.
    – canon
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 13:15
  • Haha, can we all start calling the "know all the stackoverflow rules" ethos "the Boston system"? (Nothing against Boston-- I believe it's a point of pride with many Bostonians anyway :-))
    – alexis
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 13:27
  • 3
    @Ares: I agree. I think everything here should have a "Poster was a being dick" link next to it, and getting too many of those would revoke posting privileges for a while. I've been developing software since 1973 and have never found it useful to be mean to anybody who wasn't that way initially. Part of the problem is anonymity. If people had to use their real identity when posting, there would be a lot more civility. Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 13:28
  • 3
    There are many reasons newbies come to SO...not all have a nice little code snippet that you can pick at. Some problems are more conceptual, others genuinely just want suggestions. Its pedantic to take the A in Q&A so seriously. Obviously, its not a discussion board, but some leniency in regards to question content is warranted. I for one am very hesitant to post questions to this site, since I usually get the uncommented downvote to a question I've spend a bit of time writing out.
    – user5632844
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 16:51
  • 8
    @Bey Its possible (though difficult) to write a good question without a code snippet. Even asking for suggestions is fine, if it is appropriately scoped. The problem is people asking "How should I make a game in C#?". Not "I've thought of X, Y, and Z specific ways to solve a specific problem, which should I use or is there a better solution?" The latter form is exceedingly rare Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 17:12
  • 2
    Just one caveat. You should be nice to everyone except those that suggest you shouldn't be nice. Rag on them all you want :-)
    – paxdiablo
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 1:14
  • 1
    @paxdiablo: No, you should be nice to everyone even to those that suggest you shouldn't be nice. Don’t let them control you.
    – Holger
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 10:18
  • 1
    @Bey A pleasant site is more pleasant, but what you're saying is "I have a problem I can't solve, want to ask for help, think some people on this site might be able to help - but I'm not going to ask because I, an adult human, am afraid of a picture of a downvote arrow changing color. This is so scary that I would rather keep my problem than even risk it". It's a tiny speedbump, shove straight past it, do whatever it takes to get to your real goal - a solved problem. Imagine the downvote came from a website spider or spambot clicking random links, if that helps. (Might even be true). Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 18:34
  • 4
    @TessellatingHeckler its not the downvote per se, its the lack of any constructive feedback. Just negativity..and silence. A real waste of 30 minutes of typing and trying to be thoughtful. FYI - I never get this response on MathExchange or CrossValidated. I am a member of several sites and this one is by far the only one I find this problem for.
    – user5632844
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 18:50

Were you to omit "please" from that comment it wouldn't make it, "abrasive, hostile or just generally rude", and conversely, if a comment were any of those things, adding "please" to the end of it wouldn't fix it.

All of that said, there's nothing wrong with you using "please" in that comment of yours, even though it's not necessary, as you claim it is.

  • 22
    "Please" can definitely take something from "generally rude" to "generally polite."
    – djechlin
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 17:26
  • 4
    @djechlin Or the other way around. Remember that. Please!! Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 17:50
  • 1
    "there's nothing wrong with you using "please" in that comment" - Not so sure about this... We remove pleasantries from Qs&As. Why should we have them in comments which can't be edited at all? It creates unnecessary noise. A simple "What have you tried, why didn't it work?" solves all problems.
    – user
    Commented Jul 22, 2016 at 14:33
  • 3
    @Fermiparadox Because comments aren't as formal as posts, there not designed to be permanent reference materials for all readers, but rather a dialog between someone and the post author over how to improve the post, so that the comment can then be deleted. Like I said, I don't see "please" as necessary, but in that context it's not wrong or harmful.
    – Servy
    Commented Jul 22, 2016 at 14:40
  • 1
    @Servy It is harmful (even though to small degree) just like "please/thanks" is harmful in a Q or A; it creates noise; wastes reader's time for no reason. Comments might not be designed to be permanent but often they are. Especially when they contain useful info that can't/shouldn't be incorporated in the post itself. When useful info is mixed with formalities in a single comment, then that noise becomes permanent.
    – user
    Commented Jul 22, 2016 at 14:46
  • 3
    @Fermiparadox Comments are inherently noisy. They're not designed to have a high signal to noise ratio, the way posts are. In fact, part of the design is to move the noise to the comments to keep the signal in the posts high, so at a minimum, it's just not a serious problem in comments, the way it is in posts; it's not worth the effort to try to remove that kind of noise from them.
    – Servy
    Commented Jul 22, 2016 at 14:49

I'd say this is down to personal preference.

As a new user, I definitely appreciate people being polite when I inevitably screw up. Most users will 'grow up' and have more contributions to make later on, and it's probably not a good idea to scare people away.

On the other hand, new people screw up. A lot. And that gets frustrating. We need to be taught not to.


I (almost?) always try to be nice with new users, whether or not I expect that "it won't make any difference". It's the right thing for me, for the recipient, and for other users of the site.

  1. First of all, because I want to be a nice person, rules or no rules. And it (usually) gains me nothing to be rude.

  2. We may all be tired of dealing with the same mistakes over and over, but for new users it's their first time. I'm still annoyed that a high-ranking mod here on meta responded with "here we go again" to a less-than-perfectly-informed comment of mine months ago. If you don't have the patience to educate yet another newbie, ignore them and move on; there are plenty others to take up the slack.

  3. Comments are seen by everyone. Even a well-earned put-down will be off-putting to readers and potential future (new) users, who may not feel like risking initiation by fire.

I don't mean to suggest being a doormat. But "please edit your post to show what you've tried and what doesn't work" discourages abuse at least as effectively as "WHAT HAVE YOU TRIED?".

  • 11
    Did you mean to write this as a separate answer instead of editing your previous post? Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 13:44
  • 1
    That was an edit! I had connectivity problems and hadn't realized it turned up as a new answer, thanks for the heads-up. Thanks for cleaning up the older version, @meagar.
    – alexis
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 20:12

I encourage everyone to remember their first posts to SO. If your experience was like mine, learning how and what to post is already intimidating enough. To a newcomer: a downvote without explanation is baffling, a snarky comment is discouraging; a constructive comment is helpful; a polite comment is even better.

Not to single out a particular user, but Bill the Lizard's comments have always been polite and informative. An attitude of "polite and informative" encourages users to (a) return to SO for more questions and (b) helps them become better community members themselves.

Would you want it any other way?

  • 5
    First thing I did was read the guidelines start to finish, then attempted to write as detailed a question as possible but still managed to fail. Eventually I found my way.
    – user692942
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 20:14

Can I just point out the obvious that sometimes we say "please" because it's better English and makes more sense?

Please edit your post to show what you've tried and what doesn't work.

Without "please" the sentence just sounds a little odd to me. "Please" clarifies that the mood of the sentence is a command, not a statement. It's grammatically deducible that it's a command anyway, but proper communicating includes some redundancy so that the recipient does not have to read things twice to infer the grammar.

I don't think we should yell at people for communicating clearly because there's an off chance they were being too polite.

  • 4
    To my eyes, "please" clarifies that it is not a command (from a position of authority to an inferior subordinate), and is a request (from someone with no right to order or demand anything - a peer). Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 18:21

Yes you should be nice. But at the same time, if you need to correct them, that's not an issue.

I am basically a new user while I am writing this post. I don't like the fact when my questions are just taken off the site, in fact I would consider it better if they first comment me that I should fix something, then after 2-3 days take it off.

  • 11
    It's too bad that you're just now coming across Stack Overflow. A few years ago it was a far less hostile place. I hope you stick around and continue to help make it better.
    – Brad
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 5:21
  • 11
    If your questions get immediately taken off the site, it's because at least 3 trusted community members (or a moderator) feel that they are completely unsalvageable. There is little point in leaving a comment, because there is nothing that you could reasonably fix. Either the question is completely off-topic, totally nonsensical, or lacks so much information that you might as well start over and ask a new question. If something really had a minor, fixable problem, someone would either fix it for you, or the question would indeed remain on hold for 2-3 days giving you time to edit it.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 5:22
  • 5
    @CodyGray It's not that people feel the question is completely unsalvageable... it's that they voted like it was. There's a big difference. There have been several occasions where I've edited people's questions with 4 or 5 downvotes and brought it back to life by simply rewording. I think that people vote to close and downvote without care. I doubt Dev is referring to an actual deletion, or they would have been notified and given a list of reasons.
    – Brad
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 5:25
  • 4
    @Brad Downvotes and close votes have almost nothing to do with deletion, except that a question must be closed and downvoted to a certain score before it can be deleted. Obviously downvotes and close votes do not mean a question is completely unsalvageable, but that's not what we're talking about here. Dev said his questions were "just taken off the site", which implies deletion. Had the question been simply closed (put "on hold"), they would have been given a closure reason and plenty of time to correct the problem.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 5:40
  • @Dev It would help if you study the help center first, because a quick look at your answers and questions already shows several things against the guidelines: don't include signatures like "Please help", "Thanks",... If you include links, give a summary of what they are saying so your post is still helpful if that link goes down, and so on.
    – LisaMM
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 8:46
  • @LisaMM I think the problem is that the question got removed and Dev didn't get/read the explanation. (I don't know if an explanation/notification pops up for the author after a question gets deleted.)
    – Max
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 10:06
  • 1
    @Max I know, but if they would have studied the help center first the deletion would have been prevented.
    – LisaMM
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 11:47
  • @LisaMM Agreed... we need better training for new users. I would really like to see a new users' first few questions/answers be moderated by higher rep users. Right now, the flood is overwhelming and all rep users are being subjected to bad questions.
    – JeffC
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 13:44
  • @JeffC We have the First Posts queue for that, or do you mean something else? There is also guidance while typing the question, but a lot of users seem to ignore/skip it, and I wonder why.
    – LisaMM
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 13:48
  • 3
    @Dev - I'm disappointed that you've felt so let down. However, it loks like we're not aware of how to use the site effectively. For example, why would you 'Accept' an answer if you did not find it solved your problem (as you noted in the comments )?
    – gravity
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 19:49

Whether it's about fixing a post on the site, getting a program to run, a fight with your mother-in-law, your car not starting, or any other kind of problem, step one in fixing a problem is identifying that problem.

Now in the case of a less-than-perfect question, this can go in many different ways. All in all, try to be constructive. This is not that:

this post is shite

While this is entirely the other way around and also not pleasurable:

Welcome to Stack Overflow! I enjoyed reading your first question, so unlike those negative nancies downvoting your question, I upvoted it instead because I don't want you to run away from here. However, could you pretty please with sugar on top actually include the code that you're talking about, and if it pleases you, could you perhaps also include the actual error message instead of "it dosent work"? Thank you, and I hope you'll have a nice time on our site!

I mean respect goes both ways. When an OP posts "This doesn't work [code dump]" they obviously haven't read How do I ask a good question?, or they couldn't care less and just want their damn code fixed. Don't spend an extreme amount of effort in such cases, a short comment in the form of

Please read How to ask and provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.

or in Markdown:

Please read [ask] and provice a [mcve].

will suffice, especially when followed with advice specific to the question to show the OP what exactly is missing from their question.

Of course leaving such a comment does not take away the need to close- and downvote where appropriate, so don't leave comments instead of voting.

Now in identifying a problem, there's another problem. Some people can't take any form of criticism. They take it as a personal attack or an attack on their honor. They don't want to hear that they did something wrong, and instead become angry at the person telling them that they did something wrong (for example omitting the actual error message, due to which the question is unanswerable but for those who actually want to run the OP's code by themselves). Ignore such people, run away. You're not going to educate them, and they'll even begin to tempt you to lose your temper, which is always a bad thing.

Also note that textual communication is hard. From How to not get a question answered, by Eric Lippert:

I understand that there is an inherent and pervasive bias in pure-text communication which makes statements intended to be good-humoured sound sophomoric, makes statements which were intended to be friendly sound smarmy, makes statements which were intended to be enthusiastic sound brash, makes statements intended to be helpful sound condescending, makes statements which were intended to be precise and accurate sound brusque and pedantic, makes statements which were intended to be positive sound neutral, and makes statements which were intended to be neutral seem downright hostile.

  • 3
    What good does it do to leave a very general comment like, "Please read How to ask and provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example"? Why not just downvote, vote to close, and let the system leave the comment for you? Unless you have some very specific advice for the asker, I can't see a compelling reason to (A) waste your time, (B) risk setting off someone's ire that they'll aim at you personally, or (C) cluttering up the comment field.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 11:14
  • 1
    @Cody because the question being put on hold can take a long time, while that comment gives the OP something to read and correct their post before it's closed. You don't post such a generic comment if the question is beyond salvaging or if you don't have the time to engage in helping the OP. When they become annoyed at you, remove the comment and run away.
    – CodeCaster
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 11:15
  • // , It also helps if lurkers without an account, unfamiliar with the SO model, stumble across a down-voted post that matches their search results. I have done this, and the comments helped me ready my mind quite a bit for my first few questions on here. Commented Jul 26, 2017 at 19:34

This will sound like a sad "me, me" story, but it is intended to answer your question and add something useful to the discussion.

A few months ago I was on the receiving end of what I perceived to be the famous Stack Overflow Attitude. It turned me off posting for a long time, but didn't stop me reading. The poster schooled me by returning a quick google result for what I needed, and I was hurt because I honestly thought I had just tried the same search and come up empty-handed.

The funny part is, now I am a bit better at researching, and I'll see bad questions on forums and facepalm pretty hard. It's tempting not to want to help at all.

I think sometimes the message returned is "You didn't try," when the more appropriate message could be, "You need to practice trying more."

Asking a question can make you apprehensive--you see you got a reply (oh boy!) but then you read it, and it's like you got a hammer for Christmas. Well.. they should be grateful!

I think this community is interesting if some people choose to be polite and some don't. Hostility, however, is unnecessary. Maybe there should be a link you can slap on a "closed" banner that tries to explain what it's like to read a bad question. That it's like being asked to teach somebody how to walk. You don't teach people how to walk, you teach them how to bike, maybe. How to fly a plane. They learn to walk on their own.


Should I be nice to new users?

You can, but you don't have to. This site is about Q&A, that is, information exchange, not pleasantries exchange. Note 2 points:

  • Questions that are of the structure

    Hey everyone, how are you doing?
    Thanks a lot!

    Should be edited to retain only the --Question-- part (see "Making a good impression" here).

  • Questions are marked as protected exactly in order to block comments in the form of "thanks".

So, here are 2 instances in which the site guides you towards not being nice (but not being not-nice either!). There is nothing wrong with any of this, it's just sticking to the target.

Up to here "nice" was in the context of what we are used to. Now we have a slightly different context in https://stackoverflow.com/help/be-nice, which states:

  1. Rudeness and belittling language are not okay.
  2. Be welcoming, be patient, and assume good intentions.
  3. Don't be a jerk.

And there is nothing wrong with these either. Notice that being nice in this site is mostly not doing not-nice things. As long as you are not actively a jerk, rude etc. then you are (almost) nice by this site's standards.

The conclusion is that not saying "please" does not make you not-nice. Asking you to remove "please" is a bit excessive, but not wrong per se. Use pleasantries only when needed, they often clutter the already cramped comments section.

Note that there is nothing here about the quality of the question (including downvotes), it's completely unrelated.

  • 9
    If the word "please" clutters the comments section, then an entire new comment telling someone not to use the word "please" in comments certainly does. Other than that, I agree that it's mainly important to just avoid being not-nice. Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 15:28
  • 3
    @Don'tPanic It's not that a single word clutters it, but if every comment was part of a polite conversation with "please", "thanks" and so on then it does. Notice that the OP uses it twice in the same comment. Also, I do agree (and I thought my point was clear) that comments about comments are clutter for the most part. When I said it's not wrong per se I meant that the content is not wrong, not that posting it was not wrong. Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 21:17

You should always be at least somewhat polite to strangers, but you're here out of your own free time helping others, and people who ask questions should at least have the proper understanding of what they are actually receiving out of you helping them.

If you detect any disrespect toward the site's rules and guidelines then it's OK to be strict, or even better, just ignore them. If they violate the rules flag the post and move on. There are others to help here who apparently deserve it more.


Yes, be nice to them. I find that a comment requesting that the OP improve their question by letting them know what they need to add, and directing them to a relevant help page if appropriate, lets other people know that there is still hope of a good question. Maybe add a bit of editing, if necessary, to make the question as it is at that time more presentable and encourage the OP by showing that we are paying attention.

If they take no notice or action in a reasonable amount of time, i.e. they are not nice back, then downvote and vote to close.


My two cents:

You should be nice to everybody. It maybe a matter of choice, but one must choose being nice over being mean any day.

As far as removing salutations and clutter from the post is concerned, it is welcome to spend some time to take the initiative to remove it. But using words like 'please' should be fine in comments when making suggestions or requesting clarifications.


No, you are right. Some points why I think so:

  1. I've read often that you shouldn't use Hi, Hello, Cheers and so on and shouldn't end with thanks or something alike. I can grasp that, because it pollutes the question and you can't move your mouse over the question and see directly what its all about. This doesn't apply to comments in my opinion.

  2. It may be true that this is a Q&A platform and as user1803551 stated correctly

This site is about Q&A, that is, information exchange, not pleasantries exchange

I would reply that, hospitals should help to cure your illness and give you advice but I guess you would be rather upset if the doctor would say to you:

Mr/Ms XY you have Cancer/AIDS/Lupus go to room 6 ... Next patient please

btw. its never lupus ;).

  1. Just downvoting is not an option, because the person will not know what his/her fault was. Its like screaming at your children without telling them their misdoing (I am not an expert but i've heard that its wrong).

  2. Avoiding being not nice is like avoiding to make code messy. The code may not be messy but it still can be not good.

  3. One thing one might often forget is that behind the question is a user with an actual problem. The problem might not fit into stackoverflow or doesn't meet the standard but you are not "unnice" to a question but to a person.

During time in the university my professors always stated how important it is to not only point out whats wrong but begin with something which is good. Maybe the question was rubbish but the intent was to write "clean code". This may not apply to all questions but if you want to improve the quality of the question, the user and in the end, of SO, you can read the question think about the intent and give them a hint on what is wrong in the comments.

If SO was an office full of developers, I think we wouldn't reply to a person who asks a question which is somewhat stupid with:

What ?


Ask your question different so that I can understand you

But rather reply

Sorry your question is not clear to me could you please give me an example.

One thing we should also keep in mind is that, culture is different. What to some might seem normal can be harsh to someone else. I've heard a rumor about japanese tourists in Paris, who get a "cultural shock" because things that are normal in France seem so offensive to Japanese people.

Coming from a German background here a quote by Otto von Bismarck: “Be polite; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.”

  • 3
    Adding fluff to text in the hopes of not offending the person at the other end of the conversation isn't very productive. Pleasantries are welcome in face-to-face communication, but unnecessary in this particular Q&A format and many other formats on the web (forums, mailing lists, ...).
    – CodeCaster
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 11:23
  • 1
    What do you mean by isn't very productive ? Just stating it is unnecessary in Q&A doesn't make it so, could you (please) say why ?
    – Bongo
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 11:44
  • I'm merely talking about the "fluffing" of text in order to make it appear more pleasing, if that's its only purpose. "Please show some example input and output" versus "I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time understanding your question. Could you pretty please show some example input and output so I can understand it better?". The latter is unnecessary if it's done for the sole purpose of pleasing the OP, in the hope they do not get offended by a short comment. Be to the point.
    – CodeCaster
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 11:48
  • 2
    If pleasing someone was the whole purpose of being polite I guess most of us would have stopped doing it a long time ago furthermore is pleasing something different than not offending but I get your point.So then, can we agree that it should be: As precise as possible and as polite as necessary ?
    – Bongo
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 12:01
  • 1
    Yup, that's about it.
    – CodeCaster
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 12:06

To clarify my point, since the source material (which I still can't find) offers some cloudiness to my example:

If you value bringing up novice/naive users as returning and savvy questioners, and this is part of your interest in participating in the community, then I absolutely recommend kindness as something that is worth it. Especially for new developers, having the sophistication of judgment to understand what constitutes a complete/reproducible question (yes, even with FAQ answers) for other coders is a challenge. In those cases, kindness can help someone who might otherwise get scared away or shut down to engage and improve.

As I said in a comment... my example was from a post of over a year ago when I had no experience yet in the workforce as a dev. So I'm not really in a place to attempt to justify my post or impressions at the time -- I can only communicate what they were.


Yes, please. And that doesn't mean only using "please" in a sentence... it also means offering clear and actionable feedback.

I'm an active reader, voter and commenter on SO but I have only ever posted one question (since deleted, it seems, so unfortunately we'll both have to rely on my recollections). It was my first question ever, and I did my best to provide as much information as I thought was useful. The first and only comment I got (along with a downvote) was something hostile about how I hadn't provided enough information -- but the comment didn't deign to give me any hint as to what the poster thought was missing. I guess they just thought I needed to know that I sucked at constructing my question, and that was it. No one else weighed in on the question and I ended up figuring it out myself.

That was over a year ago, and I still haven't written another question. Surely not the only reason I haven't, but it definitely discouraged me from cultivating a habit of posting on SO.

So I guess, if you as a commenter value having new users get better at writing questions rather than just being discouraged from asking questions, the answer to "should I be nice" is always yes -- in the sense that it's a kindness to write comments with a goal of helping the user to write better questions, not just tell them they're wrong.

  • 9
    By way of constructive feedback, I've just looked at the question, and the comment you're referring to asked you to add a minimal, complete, verifiable example, and linked to stackoverflow.com/help/mcve. That's pretty self-explanatory. Your question did not provide such an example. Instead you described a sporadic problem that you yourself couldn't reproduce. You provided some code snippets that were neither complete or self-contained, that could not run because they referred to variables and data sources that weren't included in the question, and a link to your github repo.
    – user229044 Mod
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 18:22
  • 7
    The first thing anybody downloading your github repo would do is try to produce the shortest example that reproduced your issue, by paring down code until the problem is identified and isolated. You are expected to do that first part of the debugging process before asking a question, and include the resulting example in your question.
    – user229044 Mod
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 18:23
  • 1
    Far be it from me to attempt to justify my actions or impressions as a fresh developer over a year ago (and SO still shows nothing in my 'questions' part of my profile from my view, so color me impressed/embarrassed that you found it) -- but your explanation is indeed helpful. Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 19:34
  • 3
    I should say that your question was definitely better than most. It showed effort, and you tried to provide the code you thought we would need to answer your question, it was well worded and showed the steps you'd taken to try and fix your code. The problem is that the type of question you were posting not well suited to this site, and it's the kind of question we see constantly. What you needed was a second set of eyes to sit down with your codebase and help you debug it. That kind of interactive debugging is out-of-scope for Stack Overflow, it's not a service we can provide.
    – user229044 Mod
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 19:39
  • 1
    meagar can see your deleted questions in your profile because he is a moderator. They should be visible to you via this search: stackoverflow.com/search?q=user%3A4318362+deleted%3A1
    – jscs
    Commented Jul 20, 2016 at 20:07

Indeed it's not a sin to be nicer. I think being nicer not only to new users but all the users gives a sense and feeling of your high professionalism. Otherwise new users feel reluctant to continue using the site on getting unfriendly gestures from other users. Being a user of this site for almost a year and a half, I have seen many people with different attitudes; some even strike off "thank you", "please help", "help appreciated". Some user edits if I give the details that I am new to Stack Overflow or to any other topic. They consider it an offense. Anyway, being nicer does not cost anything and does not violate the rules and regulations of the site.

  • 12
  • There are lots of balances we all try to keep here. Between people using the site as the site rules ask them to and using it other ways. Between cluttering "please's" or "thank you's" and simple civility. Between enforcing (and taking a chance of offending) and "letting it go" (and site its purpose). Between overzealous and wise enforcement. Fundamentally, we're mostly strangers to one another here; civility and professionalism are most appropriate. All the world's religions teach (in various forms): Treat others as you want to be treated. They're right.
    – BaldEagle
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 1:17
  • 1
    There’s a difference between Q&As addressing the topic and comments addressing the user. Comments are ephemeral artifacts anyway, you can stuff them with polite phrases as you wish, after the addressed issue has been resolved they should/will be removed anyway, sometimes even earlier.
    – Holger
    Commented Jul 21, 2016 at 10:30

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