In the First Posts queue I encountered this question:
It's terrible, of course. But when I see one of these questions, I try to be exceedingly polite in the hopes that the question's inevitable destruction will at least teach them something. So I posted this comment:
Please edit your post to show what you've tried and what doesn't work. Don't use images for code, please.
Someone came and commented:
Ares, don't use the word please. It's no support center. It's OP responsibility to provide proper information else just leave it.
I realize the trap that's easy to fall into here. To quote "When is it acceptable to downvote a question?":
Please stop being a care bear, and proceed to be harsher at once.
That's about downvoting and as such is peripherally related to the problem at hand. The point I'm making is that culture seems to be bleeding into other areas of the site. You can see the contention of that point in the comments of his answer.
Is there anything wrong in being nice to users who fail to grasp the tenets of Stack Overflow? I see a lot of people commenting on fresh questions with aggression, hostility, etc.
Think of it this way: there will always be new, terrible questions. For every person we're nice to (while still removing/downvoting the question) we potentially create another legitimate user on the site. That's another user that can contribute time to helping someone else learn the site, if nothing else. But if we're abrasive, hostile or just generally rude to the new guys, we virtually guarantee that that person will neither learn a lesson nor pass it on to anyone else.
So this is isn't about being nice for them; it's about being nice for us.
Look, I get it. The bad questions sap the life out of all of us, and the site. But shouldn't we be doing what gets the best outcome (better users) rather than what gets us instant gratification?
Am I wrong to think this way?
People get much more upset when you politely explain what is wrong with their question and how to improve it than if you ignore it.
I can't confirm that from my experience - I've very rarely encountered upset when giving out advice. More often than not, however, polite advice is just ignored, making it feel like a wasted effort.