I'm the OP for this question. I have several motivations for asking this question, but here are some of my justifications.
What is on topic?
Per the Help Center:
- a specific programming problem, or
- a software algorithm, or
- software tools commonly used by programmers; and is
- a practical, answerable problem that is unique to software development
The question actually being asked is for a fast way to complete the task. It is practical as it does many things commonly asked. It's answerable as I've answered it. And its very specific.
It satisfies the specified conditions. The question is whether it is congruent with your sensibilities?
So what is the benefit that I'm proposing this has?
I have experienced some of the most insightful answers when there have been motivations to answer. Some brilliant questions don't get answered and don't get voted on because answerers (myself included) don't have the time to answer it when there are other questions that can get me points quicker. I'm hoping to find a way to push that motivation factor.
As a case in point, @AndyHayden voted to close the question but also provided insight on using cython. I wouldn't have known that and already I've learned from this question. I expect some of the brilliant posters I see answering questions might impart some wisdom that I'll find invaluable and maybe others will to.
This is a question / answer site and there is even a Socratic badge. Why would it have been named Socratic? Because Socrates didn't know things? No, Socrates taught by asking questions. In this case, I'm seeking to learn how others might attack this problem as well as providing the means for others to share in that insight.
I anticipated some push back and I'm happy to accept whatever the community judgement is. But I'd urge everyone to watch and see if this plays out well.
Another question to ponder
If the question being asked was completely on-topic without question. Would everyone feel differently? If you'd feel the same about the the framework of the competition and promises of bounties, then it isn't the question that is the problem, its the competition and bounty manipulation.
I spoke of several motivations above. Pushing this boundary and observing the reaction was one of them. I'm willing and able to be perfectly respectful of everyone's opinion, but I'd like to be able to narrow in on what it is specifically we have a problem with. I expect that some are uncomfortable with the concept of using the bounty system for competition.