Reproduction steps (Tested with Chrome v.51):
- I click on the Questions button and redirected to .
- Now I can toggle between newest / featured / frequent / votes / active, But I just click on the unanswered button next to the tabs and redirected to .
- The tabs from the previous step change to my tags / newest / votes / no answers, but I only click on the all questions button next to the tabs.
Expected result:
- I should go back to questions section described in step 1 and see the filtered questions (
Actual result:
- I go back to the questions section, but the list of questions is filtered by all my favorites tags: Which return no results (Because there are not questions tagged with all those tags).
This only happen if the my tags tab is selected when I clicked on the all questions button: (Or just if I havent selected other tab previuosly)
It's working fine when I click the all questions button from the newest / votes / no answers tabs:
It look like a bug, and I haven't found other posts explaining that behaviour (Which I think is weird).
One last thing - When i'm switching between the tabs when I filter with all those tags, I see a message on the frequent questions tab: You are on the Frequent tab. There are no frequently asked questions at the moment. Perhaps you'd like to select a different tab? But only not on the other tabs: newest, votes and active. This is just to make things a little bit more consistent.
and thenall questions' drags the favorite tags into the search terms if the
my tags` tab was selected. Definitely looks like a bug.