I noticed a lot of questions from new users don't use code formatting. I am not very active here, so my view might be skewed - has anyone tried to collect statistics how many revisions of questions are mostly about code formatting / other markdown syntax improvements?
Would it be useful to detect most common "mistakes" in markdown syntax and notify users about possible improvements before they post a question?
html code examples as plain text
example: <html>dd</html>
example: `<html>dd</html>`
tabular data without leading 4 spaces (with multiple spaces or tab characters):
1 2 3
4 5 6
1 2 3
4 5 6
missing empty line before code formatting
var j = "fff";
var j = "fff";
Can you please point me to previous efforts in this direction or perhaps other efforts to improve the editor in different ways that would avoid this kind of markdown formatting problems?
Or else where can I start if I want to run some (SQL) query to select question revisions where `
, a new line or 4 spaces at beginning of a line have been added?
Also I did not find any instructions how to contribute to https://code.google.com/archive/p/pagedown/wikis/PageDown.wiki if it is even possible...
<!-- blabla -->
markup. So, I suggest that the engine forbid/refuse/disallow posts or edits of any question or answer that includes some stripped HTML other than<!-- blabla -->
. If this is considered too aggressive or if there is some rare corner-case where this is deemed as valid (I don't think so), warn the user about the stripped text and ask for confirmation when he/she clicks the button to commit the post/edit.