I just discovered this today.
There was a question : How to get the device Model Name?
Any good user of SO can say that this is a duplicate at a glace. Though people are going on answering the question and up-voting that question as well.
Is there any action take by SO to the people who encourage new users to ask duplicate question again and again by giving answer to them for just gaining reputation??
There should be some policy that if a 2k+ rep user answer a surely dupe some action would be taken. We can mark the answer with some flag. The action need to be decided by SO i am just pointing out the crack in the wall.
How could it be considered? I want to know it from the readers of my question ??
Please i haven't found any satisfactory comment or answer yet..!!
One more case same as the above one : android update textview for every 30 seconds
Same case but a 5k+ rep user is answering the question the reputation got some increment..!!