After pushing Go get it button on the Revival badge tooltip, which has the following description:

How do you earn this badge?

Answer more than 30 days after a question was asked as first answer scoring 2 or more

it redirected me to the search page with following search parameters:

is:question score:1 answers:0 intags:mine closed:no created:..2016-06-01

Then I selected the newest option from the list, it says it was asked 29 days ago:

enter image description here

Is it a bug or do I miss something?


Wouldn't it be better to use created:..2016-05-30 instead? In that case more than 30 days ago will be always true interdependent of time.

I am wondering if Revival badge will still work for 29 days ago cases?


1 Answer 1


One of the search query parameters is


which is correct, because it's 30 days from today (July 1st). However, this question was asked a few minutes before midnight, so that is only 29.5 days ago, which is rounded down to 29.

enter image description here

So we're always in a situation here where, depending on what time you run it, the query either returns (at most) almost one day worth of questions too much, or too few.

  • Wouldn't it be better to use created:..2016-05-30 instead? In that case more than 30 days ago will be always true interdependent of time. I am wondering if Revival Badge will still work for these cases?
    – gevorg
    Commented Jul 1, 2016 at 12:03
  • If created:..2016-05-30 would be used, the query would miss the questions created on June 1st up to 14:06 CET (the time of posting this comment) which would be at least 30.00001 days old. If that's enough to trigger the query, no idea.
    – Glorfindel
    Commented Jul 1, 2016 at 12:06
  • True, it depends on a query that is used to trigger the badge, if it is still triggering for edge cases, then it is ok, else I would prefer to have fewer results.
    – gevorg
    Commented Jul 1, 2016 at 12:12

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