When a post is flagged as a duplicate, is that (manually created) association factored into the suggestions pane when crafting a question? If not, can that be added? For example:
User A asks question A. Question A is a semantic duplicate of question B.
While these two posts are now intertwined, I propose that syntax and semantics of the questions should be compared and studied, and used to assist in the automatic suggestion of questions. The idea is, in order to train the suggestion software, you need to provide golden path or "correct" information. Since the posts that are duplicates actually are duplicates, they can serve as a base case for guessing if a new post is one.
Since it was asked, here's a VERY primitive example I whipped up in a few minutes. First, some background. Computers, like us, can determine with a degree of certainty the part of speech being used in a given sentence. As a primitive example of what I mean, here are two question titles that are duplicates, but are structured differently.
I use the Penn POS set which you can find here.
[('How', 'WRB'), ('do', 'VBP'), ('I', 'PRP'), ('commit', 'VB'), ('all', 'DT'),
('deleted', 'JJ'), ('files', 'NNS'), ('in', 'IN'), ('Git?', 'NNP')]
And now for the duplicate:
[('Removing', 'VBG'), ('multiple', 'JJ'), ('files', 'NNS'), ('from', 'IN'),
('a', 'DT'), ('Git', 'NNP'),
('repo', 'NN'), ('that', 'WDT'), ('have', 'VBP'), ('already', 'RB'),
('been', 'VBN'), ('deleted', 'VBN'), ('from', 'IN'), ('disk', 'NN')]
This is the most entry level analysis, so there's not a ton to extract here.
Next time you see a question being inputted with either sentence structure, look for questions that have similar keywords ('delete/d', 'Git') - be very relaxed on the search. Obviously, if you bring up questions just about Git, you'll get a lot of irrelevant results.
Possibly, however, if you look up questions that are about Git with that sentence structure you may be able to find questions similar in semantics.
Again, I must stress that this is an incredibly basic analysis. It just serves to explain what I'm driving at.