The problem with those questions is that they are way too broad:
There are either too many possible answers, or good answers would be too long for this format. Please add details to narrow the answer set or to isolate an issue that can be answered in a few paragraphs.
The C++ question is self-answered, so it was clearly intended to be a useful reference, but that doesn't make it exempt from the rules. Stack Overflow's Q&A format is not designed for a list of features; it's designed for a specific questions with specific answers.
Stephen C's comment on the ES6 question does a good job summarizing the problem with list questions:
"My hopes are that this question (and its answers) will become a comprehensive summary on what ES 6 features are now available to Node.js developers." - The chances are that it will simply become a disorganized mess ... that is just as out-of-date as all of the other resources!! Unless you 1) self answer and 2) take the time to curate the other answers into yours. If you are prepared to do that work, then it might be more appropriate to do it in a blog.
As Braiam pointed out, list questions are explicitly off-topic:
There's nothing inherently wrong with your "I need a comprehensive list" question; It's just that we specifically forgo asking these types of questions because they are not a good fit for this type of Q&A site.
Stack Exchange is well-suited to asking very specific questions that represent real problems you encounter in your day-to-day work. A big part of that process is asking very long-tailed questions; the kind where folks with specific expertise in the subject can propose the best possible answer, which is then voted on so the best possible answers rise to the top.
Asking everyone to contribute to a large bucket of answers means that it stops being a question of specific expertise and becomes a "poll" of the community. For right or for wrong, answer start accumulating and people start voting on what they recognize as familiar, rather than vetting the relative merits of each answer. Often there are too many entries to even know what anyone is contributing anymore. It doesn't even matter; There's usually no expectation that any one answer will be better than any other.
What I am saying is that the Big List™ breaks down the whole premise of why we created these sites in the first place — to vet and deem the information contained in the post as useful. Marking a question as "community wiki" does not take away from the inherent randomness of the discussion that becomes the thread.
This isn't a personal attack on the value of asking these questions. There just might be — and that's a big "might" — a value in just having the list, but creating these "polls" is simply not what we do here.
While that answer is more for recommendation questions than objective lists, much of it is still applicable. The C++ question isn't really a question, it's a changelog, which isn't what the site is designed for. As Braiam explained in his answer, even though it worked for this question, that doesn't mean it will always work, or that it fits the Q&A format. If people start discussing C++17 features in the comments, the comments will become a mess.
Node.js 0.12
as in the title made it clear it was a specific ver. Ignoring that, the objective guidance you are looking for does not exist as this is not an objective question to begin with. That is why we have meta to vote on these things.