Your problem case is asking a very unclear question. There is no clear, concise problem statement anywhere in it. Instead, the users coming across this question have to piece information from both before and after the screenshot to arrive at the actual question. So that is why it initially got closed as "unclear what you're asking".
I've made some edits to the question, including clarifying the problem statement, this will hopefully get the question back on track and keep it from being re-closed.
For future reference: "Any help is appreciated" and similar formulations are, while usually intended to be nice, superfluous and not really needed on this site. Usually people will edit these out on sight as they count as noise.
How do we get people to stick to the question at hand vs. attempting
to infer the usage (and in that process, jumping to conclusions about
their intentions...)?
In theory, that shouldn't really matter. In practice however, we're all human beings here, and as programmers we have an acute disdain for malware and spam. So anything that appears to be intended for that matter is likely to attract downvotes. Nothing much we (or you) can do about that.