Just the other day, I encountered an atrocious question from a user whose reputation would make you believe they'd know better than to ask such a question. They also didn't respond meaningfully to comments at all, didn't edit their question, and so on. They appeared to just want their code fixed.
A quick look at their profile showed this was about the 5th such question in the past 48 hours.
When I see such users, I sometimes flag them for moderator attention, as maybe a mod-message will let such users reconsider whether they're actually on the right site and interacting with it properly, because obviously they ignore us mere mortal users saying the same.
My flag was declined:
please ask support related questions on http://meta.stackoverflow.com
So here it is: should we flag such users, or not?
should be an SO/SE badge!rat-on-a-twat
badge, which you earn for reporting three voting rings and two help vampires!golden snitch
badge, which is very difficult to get.