When I view my own profile on the "activity" tab, the top left box contains my reputation. It also contains the ability to track your next privilege or badge. When you click on the cog the following appears:

track options

Currently if you click away from this box, nothing happens. You have to either click the remaining half of the button or click the existing ticked option to remove the pop-up.

My proposal is that clicking away from this box should hide the pop-up options.

  • Where exactly is this? Your screenshot doesn't give very much context, and I'm having trouble locating it on my profile. Jun 16, 2016 at 9:06
  • Well that is odd. My profile looks completely different. Where you have a cog button, I have a line graph and some bars indicating my progress towards the badge. (brb, have to go answer a question tagged [visual-studio) Jun 16, 2016 at 9:09
  • @CodyGray - to the right of the tag badge bars, there is a cog where you can select to follow either a privilege or tag badge, but I'm guessing since you already have all the privileges there isn't the option for you :) (Example image)
    – Sayse
    Jun 16, 2016 at 9:18


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