I reviewed this post, which turned out to be a review audit, and I failed.
Interestingly, the system calls it a high quality post (which I'd beg to differ :) ) but I thought the reason I failed it was interesting: the user didn't post a link to the documentation, so when I clicked on the firebase home page link, my first thought was to come back and ask the user to provide a direct link to the documentation and/or the exact steps they followed.
Clicking 'Comment' immediately failed me, with the message: "Your review was inappropriate. This was a high quality post and you should have considered leaving it as-is or even upvoting."
At that point, the upvotes and the original comments became unmasked... where it turns out another user has originally commented asking for the documentation, which was then provided in a comment!
I'm fairly sure this is a dodgy audit, so my question is: should I be reporting this as a dodgy audit, to prevent others from coming across it? I did find this answer, but I'm not entirely sure that downvoting or flagging a clearly community accepted post would be the right thing to do.