This is a temporary experiment to estimate the number of Spanish-language posts being asked on Stack Overflow, in order to determine whether it's worth spending the time to build a proper classifier for these.
So right now, it's triggered by a bunch of sketchy words like "em" and "un". We'll turn it off in a month or two and analyze the results to determine effectiveness.
Full list of trigger words:
Full list of trigger characters:
- àáâãéêíóôõúü (Portuguese)
- áéíóúüñ¿¡ (Spanish)
Preemptive: yes, I could be a lot more clever here and reduce false positives considerably... But this would also result in more false negatives, and since the whole point is to get an estimate of how many folks are asking these it's easier to sort out false positives than false negatives. I do apologize for any confusion that results.