Update: The comments and answers here made me realize there's a more general question to be asked, so I asked about video-game language questions in general on Meta.SE.
There's a Steam/iOS game called "Human Resource Machine", where you solve levels and advance by programming in a proprietary assembly language.
The game is essentially an introduction to the fundamentals of programming, at the assembly level, aimed at novices, or kids, or OCD weirdos like me who are intrigued by the idea of making asm programming fun (weird thing is they did it).
The little guy is the ALU, the carpet is main memory, and the program is listed on the right.
I'd like to ask some questions about how to optimize certain solutions (effectively: briefer code or faster execution). Would these questions be welcome on SO?
It is programming, for sure, but I'm unsure about whether it's on-topic because it's not a "problem I face in real life", it's a video game.
I could ask on Arqade, but the answers I'm looking for aren't "grind dire rats until you can upgrade to Excalibur", they're "you can save a JMP by checking for zero instead of negative, and here's a way to consolidate two variables and save memory".
Please note: "no" is a perfectly acceptable answer. I'll interpret any downvotes on this question as "no", upvotes as "sure". Vote away. You won't hurt my feelings.
Also, if anyone is active in the Code Review community, I'd also be interested in knowing whether HRM questions would be welcome or unwelcome there, as well, but I suppose here on Meta.SO, that information should be offered in the comments.
for quite a while. As HRM is called a game only by the fact it's distributed over Steam, I think it's totally valid to ask question on StackOverflow. Game mechanics is pretty simple to write a 100-line C program to emulate the game, so I don't think that "that's proprietary" is anywhere close to a valid point.