Recently I've found an error in the code of some SO answer, which crashes the app. The error is just a method parameter, which the original answer author didn't provide, but which is required. The parameter is crucial, since without it the app crashes.
In short, instead of public void TextViewClicked()
it should be public void TextViewClicked(View v)
I decided to edit the answer to add the missing parameter. I wrote the following commentary for it:
There should be one parameter with View, otherwise the exception would be thrown.
However, my endeavour was met up in arms by edit reviewers and it got quickly rejected, mainly on the following basis:
This edit was intended to address the author of the post and makes no sense as an edit. It should have been written as a comment or an answer.
But what I think I didn't meant to address the author of the post in any meaningful way, I just fixed the error. So I decided that this reject may be a work of some hasty reviewers, who don't realize why the edit was suggested in the first place.
With this in mind, I suggested exactly the same edit for a second time, although with much more alarming comment:
Added crucial parameter! This edit isn't intended to address the author of the post, this is essential addition, without it app will crash once button is clicked!
This time the edit also was rejected, however with a different rationale:
This edit deviates from the original intent of the post. Even edits that must make drastic changes should strive to preserve the goals of the post's owner.
This one got me even more confusing. The edit was not make drastic changes. What I tried is just to add one method parameter to the answer's code, which will render it work. It's just 6 characters long. How do the reviewers determined it is intended to address the author of the post or it even deviates from the original intent of the post?
Maybe there is something I'm missing, thinking that the edit review is performed by the ignorant people who don't care about the actual purpose and just want to make quick reputation points?
they will upvote it and make it more visible
that's good, but having the correct code in the answer body is inherently better.