Several years ago, I ran into a software problem that was not documented on StackOverflow. I solved it my posted the question and answer to the question so that future people would have access to the answer. Over time, this answer has accumulated a decent number of upvotes.
Recently, the software framework in question has come out with a new version that providing a better way to solve this problem, and someone has posted a new answer to the question indicating the better solution. The original accepted answer still works and is necessary for people on older versions of the framework, but a better answer now exists. What should I do?
- Nothing; let the new answer naturally accumulate upvotes as more people switch to the new version of the framework; this is the fairest solution but doesn't provide the best information to users
- Edit my answer; this would provide the relevant information to users as my answer has many upvotes which are a signal of quality, but doing this take credit away from the poster of the new answer
- Edit my answer including a mention of the poster; this at least gives them credit, albeit no reputation
- Accept the new answer; this is potentially confusing to viewers of the question as there is then an accepted answer with fewer upvotes than another answer (when I view a question that is like this, I assume the accepted answer is bad); additionally, the accepted answer would then not have the information for older versions
This is similar to this question, but different in that the accepted answer still works with the new version, it is just no longer the "best" solution.