The system gives you the ability to instantly answer your own question with the checkbox. Obviously, it can't be considered abuse of the system.
I know that the way that other users view self-answers conflicts with the intentions of the system, however.
Some users may feel like self answers are just a soap box or a "rep cow". But you shouldn't feel this way if you are posting it with the intention that it might help others.
If you are still worried, in your question you can mention (and maybe link to) your answer, saying that you have a solution, but are welcome to other solutions and answers. I feel that this solution also helps avoid potential backlash against the question if it is used as an audit.
Keep in mind that you must wait for two days until you can accept your own answer, you get no rep for accepting instead of the typical +15, and your answer will not be pinned to top (it will move up/down with the votes).