Comments on this meta question made me realize there's a dedicated info/wiki page for each tag (e.g. the JavaScript tag wiki). I feel a little sheepish not knowing about it — I've been on SO for almost 5 years, and my search / browsing habits have never led me to this useful feature.
I suspect most new users, who are generally also new to whichever subject brought them to SO, also don't know about this feature. It seems like making them aware could help prevent many 'too broad' and 'off topic' questions like "what are good books on x
?" and "how do I learn basic concept
?" Most of them aren't trained on how to ask questions, although (it turns out!) there are links to the wikis when adding tags on the Ask a Question page.
Now that I know to look for it, I see many places to find links to the wiki page. One can either search the tag (manually or via bookmark), which I don't often do (and arguably, new users never do):
which gives a tag banner at the top of the results, with an unobtrusive link:
Or, one can hover over a tag (which had also never occurred to me) and look for the info link - which, again, doesn't jump out as "wiki and tutorial page" to me:
However, many users — especially new users who most need the wiki feature — do not use the site in any of the ways above. Personally, I am often looking for very specific information and not general education or tutorials, as those are specifically discouraged as not on topic, and have always viewed tags as "a way to filter results" rather than "a way to browse or find broad education materials."
So, should more attention be drawn to this feature, and if so, how? Perhaps a section on tags in the Help > Tour? Giving the links a more descriptive name or more prominent placement?
to learn anything right now."[tag:javascript]
and Markdown will put in the tag formatting, which links to the tag's page. :)See the [tag:x86] tag wiki
in answer
link on it seems superfluous because the popup already contains "info". The whole web is "info", so a link that just says "info" on a popup that I'd like to dismiss altogether isn't all that shiny.