Here is a screen dump from Chrome, which shows that on my profile page the display name gets pre-filled on server side (not in my browser) with an old value (my old display name - Jozef Spisiak according to the history) instead of current one - Spiso as you can see as well in screen dump. Therefore every time I want to change anything on my profile page, I have to write into this field manually my current display name. Tested on Safari without extensions and Firefox, where I never logged into Stack overflow before.

Wrong display name

This has been happening for about 5 days already, so if it is a cache, it is a long one and on server side. Adding references to 3 other tickets, where users had very similar problems and were never solved: First Second Third

  • So is Spiso or Jozef Spisiak the name you wish to be using on SO? (ie: do you actually have the correct name you want to be using now - and it's just a weird bug with stuff happening in the profile page?) Commented May 24, 2016 at 9:10
  • I would like to use Jozef Spisiak actually, but I can change that in 20 days, when I can change my display name (the 30 days limit). I am not sure how this bug happened in the first place, since all I know is that I registered myself (not sure what I did fill in though, it could have been either of those) and when I tried to get the badge for filling in my bio in my profile, this was already happening. Commented May 24, 2016 at 9:45

1 Answer 1


Something was definitely odd; I've resync'd two competing sources of truth; you're currently showing as Jozef, but if you are trying to be Spiso: hopefully if you edit again, it should now work.

  • Thanks, this has helped the issue, I can now save my profile without problems. I assume it will be synced to meta in an hour or so. Might be interesting to follow if more of these show up in the future. Commented May 24, 2016 at 9:55
  • @JozefSpisiak it should; is it showing correctly to you on meta now? Commented May 24, 2016 at 11:32
  • Yes, now my profile is synced correctly on meta too. Thank you for your help. Commented May 24, 2016 at 20:41

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