Is there any way how to find all questions via Search Q&A
that are:
- from one tag
- the question has no accepted answer
- all answers within the question are score<=0
= I want to find all questions that pull the statistic of a tag down with "unanswered", i.e. questions with all answers with score 0 or less. I tried this
[tag] hasaccepted:no answers:1 is:answer score:0
, but with no good result, because it returns only score==0
-questions(because score
targets only questions) with whatever scored answers. That means it'll return even questions that have no impact on the unanswered statistic.
Better way - inside of a tag I choose "unanswered" and click "votes" tab, but there are questions with no answer included too(see in this answer), which I don't want to see, but I can't search within "unanswered/votes" tab. How to do it?
Some api call that can provide links is good to go too.
[tag] hasaccepted:no isanswered:no
[tag] hasaccepted:no isanswered:no answers:1