I found a question locked for a reason which says:
This question exists because it has historical significance, but it is not considered a good, on-topic question for this site, so please do not use it as evidence that you can ask similar questions here. This question and its answers are frozen and cannot be changed
To my surprise, buttons to upvote and flag comments are visible and active.
Upvote hasn't worked:
Flag has worked (it is shown in my flags history):
I think there should not be buttons if upvotes and flags are not allowed. If they are, there should not be warning.
there should not be Upvote button if upvotes are not allowed. If they are, there should not be warning about them.
,there should not be Flag button if flags are not allowed. If they are, there should not be warning about them.
. I'm uncertain about general policy here because answers don't haveFlag
option*some text*
to quote some text"
, bold, and italic to highlight non code text in comments.