There are many pages of tags on SO and many of them are used for only a few questions.
Fortunately, this means that it's super obvious when a tag should go (namely when there's no wiki and existing popular tags could've been used instead*).
But do I need to ask permission before I burninate these tags? Most are used less than 5 times.
Edit: Obviously, having a few questions doesn't automatically mean a tag is bad. It just means that you could read all the questions tagged with it, decide if it's a good tag, and retag everything within a span of 5 minutes.
Also, I'm not talking about "sublanguage" tags as much as X
and Y
For example: cucumberwithserenity = cucumber + serenity-bdd
(Note that that tag could also be considered a synonym of the slightly more popular cucumber-serenity, which also lacks a wiki.)