I searched for copying answer and read a few hits but they do not seem to match.
In this case
- What is APO? How to use it (242177) was asked on Oct 28 2008
- On Nov 26 2008 it was duplicated by a similar question What is AOP? describe it in layman’s terms (319639).
Someone copied answers from the duplicate (younger) question (639) to the "original" / older question (177) and marked "his answers" as copies.
I edited this copied answer to include a link to the original answer and to the original author. But after consideration the whole copying answers stuff seems wrong.
- Why not delete the copied answers and link them as a comment?
- How would you handle this?
If the questions aren't word-for-word replicas, I'm very reluctant to merge.
because they may have subtle differences. So based on this a deletion of the copied answers would be enough and a backlink from the original to the duplicate question.