Semi-frequently, we get questions asking for help understanding some obfuscated, and likely malicious, code that they have discovered. These questions are rarely of good quality, but then that's partly because obfuscated code is supposed to be difficult to unpack and understand.
So while downvoting for lack of research may be appropriate, I cannot locate an appropriate close reason.
- primarily opinion-based Nope.
- too-broad These scripts aren't usually that elaborate and can be summed up rather quickly.
- unclear what you're asking Not if they include everything necessary.
- off-topic
- general-computing Nope.
- networking Nope.
- off-site resource Nope.
- debugging help Nope.
- typo Nope.
- duplicate of Can't find any good dupe targets.
So this leaves me questioning, should they be closed, as they sometimes are for various reasons?
Often times it's argued that such questions are "too-localized" or "won't help anyone else", but according to the consensus on Help Center does not indicate that questions must be useful to more people (referencing Is the ultimate goal of Stack Exchange really to build a knowledge base for Googlers, not to help individual users (even if they ask good questions)?) that reasoning is obsolete.
Arguably it's unnecessary to ever unpack malicious code and it should only be deleted by restoring a backup, but that simply isn't always the case and understanding an attack and what affect it may have had on users can be critical to reversing the damage.
Though I'm less-concerned with specific cases than the issue in general, I'll include a recent example for reference:
Decrypt Javascript Obfuscator [duplicate] (screenshot) closed as a duplicate of Javascript eval function decoder
It was closed by a single dupe-hammer vote for a different questions the closer had answered with an extremely localized answer. Honestly I would argue that dupe target is almost completely worthless as a dupe target and I can't imagine that answer helping anyone but the original question asker. Besides, just telling someone how to partly-unpack some obfuscated code doesn't answer the real and actually important question of understanding what it's doing. This question was deleted before it received the necessary reopen votes though.
So back to the question. I'm a rather pedantic question closer who will happily close garbage questions, but even I'm having trouble justifying a close reason for all these questions. Should we close and delete these questions? Should we leave them or potentially even answer them? Is there some canonical duplicate somewhere that I can feel good about using?
There is a related question How to handle "Explain how this ${code dump} works" questions, however I think the scope of "what does this malicious code do" is significantly less-broad than the noobish question of "explain all this code to me". Only a high-level overview of what malicious code does would ever be useful. The intent of such a question and applicable answers are very different. It's also been suggested this type of question may be better-directed to other Stack Exchange sites, something a typical explain-this-code-dump would not be suitable for.