Marching through Android questions yields a bizarre gap around page 20 with page size = 50 and sort = newest at the moment:
If one were to start around page 18 and move forward, you would see the dates drop clearly out of range by several days at least.
It is as if the linked list or pagination technique has gone astray.
Around page 30, questions from April of 2015 appear. One should have to traverse several hundred pages (of 50 per page) before depleting April of 2016 alone.
Hopefully it is a very localized data problem that can be patched.
page 13 of Java. Pagination broken Is there any commentary available from the SO dev team on this? The problem is intermittent.
in between them) and sometimes after I reload the page, the bottom 5 to 10 question of the first page are up to 6 years old. No idea how to reproduce for others, but it happens regularly.