I wanted to see if there was a serial downvoter yesterday so I looked at: https://stackoverflow.com/posts/6521245/timeline
I did not see any downvotes at all although there are several
Am I misunderstanding what the /timeline does?
I wanted to see if there was a serial downvoter yesterday so I looked at: https://stackoverflow.com/posts/6521245/timeline
I did not see any downvotes at all although there are several
Am I misunderstanding what the /timeline does?
Yes, the /timeline feature works as designed. It shows the public events for a given post id. It is relevant to know that both questions and answers have their own post id. The post id for an answer can be found on the share link of the answer or is reachable from the question timeline:
If you find yourself often visiting the timeline. you might consider adding an user script that add the link to each post. An example of such script is this one from user Tunaki but Stack Apps has more options, like this one
url. (Not the last number, the last number is your user ID :)