Really, why is there a meta question for something ... silly? If you're a front-end developer, you should be familiar with the console. It's a truly golden tool for developing front-end applications.
When someone have console.log()
in their snippet, it should be a reflex to open the console window. It's nothing more than pressing one button: F12.
Yes, I have seen the question and the answer. This caused a small controversy in the Javascript chat room. I even said the following
:/ document.write
. I wouldn't have an issue if this method got removed from the js engines. sauce
We should be aware that there are developers (I call them "google developers") which have a problem with their code, or an issue to translate a problem to solution. They just google it (most of us do that. I even do that). Buuuuuuutttt ... at a large group of these, it even became a habit that they do the following;
- open google
- enter the keywords
- scanning results and sees the SO post with relevant/similar question
- opens the link, checks the question. If valid go to 5 else go to 3
- goes to (voted/accepted) answer
- copy answer then paste it in their code.
See, no attempt to comprehend the code! Just click, select, Ctrl
, click, Ctrl
In this situation, they would copy over
var res = ['rwt-cable1', 'rwt-cable42', 'rwt-cable40'].map(e => e.split('-')[1]);
And then modify the variables / array / whateverIdunwannaknow...
Who knows if they would use the above in production? The snippet absolutely does not say something about the caveats that document.write
In this context, I truly understand that it's not easy to show the results in the code snippet but really, there are other alternatives like document.body.textContent
. It's ugly too, but far better than document.write
. Using alerts is a form of bad example too, but I have seen starter Javascript developers that uses it to debug their code. Who knows from where they got their debugging strategy?
Demonizing the user whom has posted the above function isn't what I would do (I even don't downvote posts if it's so bad. I advise them some improvements when possible), but for the sake of future users: write best of practice codes in your answer.
That would avoid future issues with new developers. I'm in QA branch and I see codes from users that clearly doesn't know what they did ON WEEKLY BASE... So there are plenty of those "google developers"...
But but... what about disclaimers? " Should I not add it? ". Well the word says it already: disclaimer. You don't have to be a language professor to know what that does with the reader.
is not the only way. He useddocument.body.textContent
as a very reasonable replacement.document.write
: "Just for test purpose, not production code". If it's just a demo rendering(including suggested notice text), why not?document.write
. As long as the proper method doesn't work (console.log
), an alternative will have to suffice.document.write
is that it "teaches newbies bad practices". But newbies are also the ones who don't know about the console. Hiding output in the console doesn't teach newbies anything and just makes them think Stack Snippets are broken or something. At the very least, a lengthy "disclaimer"/tutorial on the console would be needed. And further, again, some browsers don't even have the option of opening a console, making the snippet appear even more broken. It's simply not practical whichever way I turn it.document.write
in a procedure calledneverDoThisEverThisIsJustToShowStuffHereOnStackOverflowButDontUseElsewhereOrKittensWillGetHurt