I'm trying to create an element programatically, but I'm receiving an error:
error: x
Whilst using the following code:
int main(){
return y;
The error appears on line z
I've set the top and bottom pin contstraints so not sure what else could be causing this error.
This is what the format of your post could/should have looked like. There isn't really any need for a progress update, a list of questions that you've researched or how you tried to isolate the problem.
The fact that you isolated the problem to specific subset of your code is enough, just give us that code (in context) and explain what the issue is. If you have a "tl:dr" heading then that should be a big red flag telling you that you've got too much waffle going on in your question.
This error has been brought up before multiple times on Stack Overflow:
We don't need to know this, we can check ourselves if we suspect your question is a duplicate and vote accordingly.
The problem probably lies in / I think the problem is probably in here
Again, not really needed - either someone knows the answer to your question, in which case they will not need these suggestions, or they don't; in which case the suggestions still don't help.
It may seem like I'm being overly-critical here but there is a valid reason and although many people don't agree with it, I'll bet most people do the same.
If I haven't understood the context of your problem in the first few lines, I'll just go to another question.
There, I said it, it's out there.
This is one of the reasons for giving a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable Example - at the end of the day most of us are volunteers that answer questions in our free time for no tangible reward, so we're going to be picky about which questions we spend our time answering; make your question appealing by getting straight to the point.