Over the last days, I saw the tag slowly being used alongside new Ember.js SO questions, so before this tag becomes widespread, I would like to propose a name change to for the following reasons:

1. It will maintain a similar structure to tag.

2. has a certain connotation of a specific version of Ember.js.

3. Sonner or later, Ember.js will get to 3.x, so will set a precedent for when the times comes.

4. Making the assumption that changing is not viable, would remain the tag for while a separated tag would be created for all new questions that still uses 1.x.

With that, new questions would have followed by which version the OP is using...

1 Answer 1


In the intervening 4 years, version 3 of the Ember.js library was released, so there was a bit more clean-up to do here to truly bring about consistency. Here's what we have now:

I see no point in having a ".x" in the tag name. Just mentioning the major version is sufficient, while reducing clutter.

I'm not sure that version-specific tags are actually useful here. We prefer not to use them unless there is something quite special about that version that would make it an important way to group questions. (Note that the tag wiki excerpt contains an admonition to always specify the version of Ember that you are using when describing your issue in the question. I wonder how many people do that?) And, when version-specific tags are used, we always want to combine them with the "main" tag, . If I had some subject-matter expertise, I could actually evaluate the questions with the version-specific tags and see if there was any merit to the version-specific tags. If not, I could merge them both into the "main" tag. But I don't know anything about JavaScript, much less this library, so I have to punt on that, leaving the version-specific tags in place for now. At least the naming convention is standardized.

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